Environmental Politics

"Republican War on EPA Begins — But Will They Overreach?"

Republicans launched their assault against EPA and the Supreme Court Wednesday, arguing that regulating greenhouse gas emissions under the Clean Air Act would hurt jobs. EPA chief Lisa Jackson said EPA was protecting people's health. Rep. Henry Waxman produced a document that seemed to say the Bush EPA agreed with Jackson. Divisions are so close that Congress may actually do little on the issue.

Source: TIME, 02/10/2011

Wikileaks Cables Confirm Secret US-China Climate Talks

The massive trove of diplomatic cables disclosed by Wikileaks disclosed one of the Obama administration's darkest environmental secrets — that the U.S. held secret diplomatic talks on climate change during the run-up to the December 2009 Copenhagen meeting.

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House Energy Chair Upton Denies Human Role In Climate Change (VIDEO)

Which has a stronger influence on human thinking -- power, money, ideology, or science? House Energy Chairman Fred Upton's recent denial that humans are causing climate change casts science as the weakling in the ring. His switch comes even as new documents reveal that the Bush White House overruled EPA science findings on climate -- even though former EPA head Stephen Johnson testified under oath to the contrary.

Source: Huffington Post, 02/09/2011

"Corporate America's Public Enemy No. 1: The EPA"

"On Monday, House oversight committee chair Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) released more than 100 letters he has received from corporations, trade groups, and associations outlining the regulations they'd like to see changed. The letters make clear that the Environmental Protection Agency is corporate America's top target."

Source: Mother Jones, 02/08/2011

"Environment Canada Investigates Many, But Convicts Few"

"Environment Canada enforcement officers launched hundreds of investigations, typed up thousands of warnings and carried out tens of thousands of inspections over a recent seven-year stretch. But over that period they nailed down only 32 convictions – putting the annual average at less than five."

Source: Toronto Globe & Mail, 02/07/2011


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