Environmental Politics

"EPA To Unveil Stricter Rules For Power Plants"

"More than 20 years ago, Congress ordered the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate toxic air pollution. It's done that for most industries, but not the biggest polluters — coal and oil-burning power plants.

The EPA now plans to change that later this week, by setting new rules to limit mercury and other harmful pollution from power plants.

Source: NPR, 12/14/2011

"Congress Debates Payroll Tax Cut, Government Funding Omnibus"

Congress is struggling to resolve a complex year-end standoff that has enmeshed both payroll tax-cut and omnibus spending legislation. Dozens of environmental riders are making compromise more diffficult. President Obama has threatened to veto the payroll tax bill if GOPers attach an amendment forcing him to act on the Keystone XL oil pipeline.

Source: Wash Post, 12/14/2011
May 31, 2024

DEADLINE: Korea-U.S. Journalists Exchange

The East-West Center’s 2024 Exchange takes place Sep 19-28 with the theme “Balancing US-Korea Relations in an Election Year.” Open to US and Korean print, broadcast, and online journalists with a minimum of five years of experience. Apply by May 31.


"Tax Policy Blowing in the Wind"

"If you want something from Congress, there are probably only about four shopping days left until Christmas, because most members of the House and Senate seem likely to go home on Friday. One big item on the green list is an extension of the production tax credit for wind energy, and the industry’s trade association, the American Wind Energy Association, released a dire study on Monday about what will happen without it."

Source: Green/NYT, 12/13/2011

NRC 'Coup' Leader Magwood Consulted For Fukushima Parent Company

"WASHINGTON -- Bill Magwood, the man at the center of an effort to overthrow the chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and his most likely successor if the move is successful, served as a consultant for Tepco, the Japanese company that owns the Fukushima nuclear power plant, according to information provided by Magwood as part of his nomination and confirmation process, which was obtained by The Huffington Post.

Source: Huffington Post, 12/13/2011

"Industry Pours Campaign Cash Into State, Local Races"

"The chairwoman of the Texas Railroad Commission, Elizabeth Ames Jones, gets more campaign contributions from oil and gas than from any other industry. The Railroad Commission doesn't oversee railroads. By accident of history, the elected three-member panel regulates Texas's oil and gas industry. And when the three commissioners campaign, they turn to the companies they regulate to fill up their war chests."

Mike Soraghan reports for Greenwire December 9, 2011.

Source: Greenwire, 12/12/2011

"Congressional Leaders Reach Agreement on Pipeline Safety"

"House and Senate leaders on Thursday reached agreement on tougher safety rules for the nation’s vast network of pipelines in the wake of a spate of incidents including a deadly pipeline explosion in San Bruno, Calif., last year that killed eight people and destroyed 38 homes."

Source: LA Times, 12/09/2011


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