High-Stakes Climate Summit Aims to Be Turning Point for Global Action

"A United Nations chief dismayed at the lack of resolve toward the climate crisis; a daunting deadline for negotiating a new treaty; 125 or so heads of state; a sprawling agenda of fossil fuels, food, forestry and finance; a train of think tanks hauling gigabytes of green data; countless teach-ins, press conferences, art shows—plus tens or even hundreds of thousands of activists marching through midtown Manhattan, demanding action now.

Are these Climate Week events the makings of a turning point in the world's effort to escape the risks of climate change, or a formula for futility?

There are ample grounds for pessimism as preparations begin for the September 23 UN summit on climate change, being held in New York City. But that doesn't make it any less urgent for negotiators trying to keep the world from warming more than 2 degrees Celsius, that elusive diplomatic grail."

John H. Cushman Jr. reports for InsideClimate News September 12, 2014.


"New York To Become a Hub of Climate Hubbub" (Climate Central)

"Climate Week NYC: The Top 10 Places to Be" (InsideClimate News)

"World Leaders Have Failed to Seriously Confront Climate Change. Could That Change Next Week?" (Mother Jones/Climate Desk)

Source: InsideClimate News, 09/17/2014