Environmental Health

"Blind Rush? Shale Gas Boom Proceeds Amid Human Health Questions"

"For shale gas to meet its potential, millions of Americans will have to live with drill rigs in or near their own neighborhoods. And that opens the door to a range of potential environmental health problems: pipelines and wellheads can explode, the process produces toxic air emissions, and fracking generates liquid wastes that can contaminate surface and drinking water supplies."

Source: EHP, 08/11/2011
October 23, 2011 to October 27, 2011

International Society of Exposure Science 21st Annual Meeting

The 2011 meeting of the International Society of Exposure Science will gather scientists from all over the globe to share current research activities and explore emerging trends in exposure science, defined as "the bridge between environment and health." Early Bird Registration until Friday, September 30


Topics on the Beat: 
April 29, 2013 to April 30, 2013

Slow Money 4th National Gathering

This event features dozens of food entrepreneurs who are leading the way rebuilding local food systems around the country, along with many renowned thought leaders in agriculture, investing and philanthropy. Early bird rates available.


"Cancer Alley Case Gets Surprising Support"

"Mossville Louisiana sits in the shadow of 14 petrochemical refineries. When residents felt the US Government wasn’t protecting their right to a healthy environment, they reached past the American regulators, legislators and courts to take their case to the highest human rights court in the western hemisphere."

Source: Living on Earth, 08/01/2011

"No Cell Phone/Children's Cancer Risk? The Media Might Be Wrong"

"The results of an unprecedented study published yesterday in the Journal of The National Cancer Institute have been rocketing around the Internet: 'Study Sees No Cellphone-Cancer Ties' .... [But] at least two prominent environmental health groups believe the study is fundamentally flawed... [and] 'actually quite troubling.'" The study was funded in part by a cell phone industry group."

Source: Atlantic, 07/29/2011


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