Environmental Health

"Senate-Passed Radiation Legislation Left Out Of House Spending Bill"

"A standalone bill to expand and reauthorize a 30-year-old radiation compensation program that passed the Senate with a filibuster-proof majority will not be included in the text of a House appropriations bill."

Source: The Hill, 03/22/2024

"Watchdog to EPA: Step Up Gowanus Canal Cleanup Enforcement"

"A major construction project designed to help clean up one of the most contaminated water bodies in the U.S. is years behind schedule and massively over budget, EPA’s independent watchdog said Thursday."

Source: E&E News, 03/22/2024

‘Dangerous And Abusive’ Conditions In Indian Shrimp Industry: Report

"Noriko Kuwabara was excited to try a new recipe she’d seen on social media for crispy shrimp spring rolls, so she and her husband headed to Costco’s frozen foods aisle. But when she grabbed a bag of farm-raised shrimp from the freezer and saw “Product of India,” she wrinkled her nose."

Source: AP, 03/22/2024

Petrochemicals Are Killing Us, a New Report Warns in Top Medical Journal

"Use of petroleum-based chemicals skyrocketed during the postwar era, most of them entering the market with little concern for safety. Now, mounting evidence links petrochemicals to the rapidly rising prevalence of a slew of chronic and deadly conditions, a review published in the New England Journal of Medicine warned earlier this month."

Source: Inside Climate News, 03/21/2024

"Lead In Water A Threat To Two-Thirds Of Young Children In Chicago"

"Two out of three very young children in Chicago were exposed to at least trace amounts of lead in their home tap water, a study found, highlighting the need for City Hall to speed up replacements of brain-damaging lead pipes."

Source: Chicago Sun-Times, 03/21/2024

"Biden Administration Announces Rules Aimed at Expanding Electric Vehicles"

"The Biden administration on Wednesday issued one of the most significant climate regulations in the nation’s history, a rule designed to ensure that the majority of new passenger cars and light trucks sold in the United States are all-electric or hybrids by 2032."

Source: NYTimes, 03/21/2024

"Only 10 Countries Had Healthy Air Quality In 2023: Report"

"The average person can go up to two months without food, three days without water, but only a few minutes without air. Breathable air is essential to life. Yet a new analysis found that in 2023, only 10 countries and 9 per cent of global cities had air quality that met World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines for harmful fine-particle, or PM2.5, pollution."

Source: Bloomberg, 03/20/2024


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