Energy & Fuel

"In a Climate Trade-Off, Biden Backs Manchin’s Fossil Fuel Plan"

"The White House on Wednesday endorsed a plan by Senator Joe Manchin III to speed the approval of some fossil fuel projects in order to also hasten the construction of new transmission lines critical for meeting President Biden’s climate goals."

Source: NYTimes, 05/11/2023

EPA Proposes Power Plant Emissions Rule To Confront Climate Change

"The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is issuing on Thursday a draft rule aimed at curbing planet-warming emissions from fossil-fired power plants that is expected to be a key piece of the Biden administration’s climate policy."

Source: The Hill, 05/11/2023

"World Not Ready Yet To 'Switch Off' Fossil Fuels, COP28 Host UAE Says"

"The United Arab Emirates said on Tuesday that countries should agree to phase out fuel emissions - not the production of oil, gas and coal - at the upcoming U.N. climate change negotiations that it will host this December."

Source: Reuters, 05/10/2023

EPA Promises Action On Puerto Rico Coal Ash. Residents Tired Of Waiting

"Biden’s EPA offers support to Guayama residents after decades of environmental injustice, but residents say they won’t be satisfied until the plant is closed and all its coal ash removed."

Source: Energy News Network, 05/09/2023

"Price to Plug Old Wells in Gulf of Mexico? $30 Billion, Study Says."

"Ever since the first offshore platforms went up off Louisiana 85 years ago, the Gulf of Mexico has been an oil and gas juggernaut. But decades of drilling has left behind more than 14,000 old, unplugged wells at risk of springing dangerous leaks and spills that may cost more than $30 billion to plug, a new study has found."

Source: NYTimes, 05/09/2023

"Radar, Cameras Show Sea Birds Avoid Wind Turbines"

"Offshore wind energy critics often cite the risk of collision with birds as an argument against the use of wind power. But a new study conducted by European energy company Vattenfall shows that offshore wind turbines at one UK wind farm are much less dangerous to birds than previously thought, a step towards debunking common claims that turbines are a major contributor to bird mortality."

Source: Climate Denial Crock, 05/08/2023


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