Climate Change

As US Insurers Stop Covering Prescribed Burns, States And Communities Step Up

"Prescribed fires are a positive land management method, but when the flames occasionally escape control, the resulting damage to land and private property also hurts this conservation tool’s reputation. U.S. insurance companies are thus charging increasingly unaffordable premiums for coverage of this activity or are dropping the service altogether in the wake of some particularly large recent accidents."

Source: Mongabay, 11/16/2023

"Opinion: Uncounted Emissions: The Hidden Cost of Fossil Fuel Exports"

"Oil, gas, and coal exports are not counted when countries tally their greenhouse gas emissions under the Paris Agreement. This allows wealthy nations to report progress on emissions reduction goals, while shipping their fossil fuels — and the pollution they produce — overseas."

Source: YaleE360, 11/15/2023

Anchorage Adds More Shelter Beds After Big Snow And Record Outdoor Deaths

"Anchorage scrambled Tuesday to come up with more temporary housing for the homeless after back-to-back snowstorms dumped more than 3 feet of snow on the city in just nine days, an amount that is high even by Alaska standards."

Source: AP, 11/15/2023

2 Grim Reports On Global Climate Highlight Fossil Fuel Subsidies, Ill Health

"Humanity’s fight to curb climate change is failing in dozens of ways with people getting sicker and dying as the world warms and the fossil fuels causing it get more subsidies, according to two global reports issued Tuesday."

Source: AP, 11/15/2023

Researchers, Farmers, Brewers Want To Safeguard Beer Against Climate Change

"On a bright day this fall, tractors crisscrossed Gayle Goschie’s farm about an hour outside Portland, Oregon. Goschie is in the beer business — a fourth-generation hops farmer. Fall is the off-season, when the trellises are bare, but recently, her farming team has been adding winter barley, a relatively newer crop in the world of beer, to their rotation, preparing barley seeds by the bucketful."

Source: AP, 11/14/2023


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