Climate Change

"Exxon Climate-Change Probe Goes To Massachusetts Top Court"

"Exxon Mobil Corp. will urge Massachusetts’ top court on Tuesday to allow it to avoid handing over records to the state’s attorney general amid a probe into whether the oil company misled investors and consumers about its knowledge of climate change."

Source: Reuters, 12/05/2017

‘I’ll Never Leave This Place, And I Hope This Place Will Never Leave Me’

"Even though repeated promises of a seawall have failed to materialize, teen and Tangier’s other residents refuse to give up hope"

"Like most high school seniors, Cameron Evans is at the edge of change. He’s anxious about whether to major in photography or politics, annoyed about having to go to the dentist, animated when talking about the Yankees, his favorite team.

Source: Bay Journal, 11/30/2017

"In The Heart Of Coal Country, EPA Hears Worries About The Climate"

"After more than four decades as a coal miner, Stanley Sturgill ambled into an ornate room at West Virginia’s state capitol Tuesday to deliver a stark message to the Trump administration: Climate change is real and continuing to burn the dirty fossil fuel hurts future generations."

Source: AP, 11/29/2017

"This Is One International Climate Agreement Trump Supports"

"The Trump administration joined countries around the world last week in endorsing a powerful climate agreement that could cut greenhouse gas emissions enough to prevent as much 0.5 degrees Celsius of warming." "The Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol would cut HFCs, potent greenhouse gases widely used in air conditioners and refrigerators."


Source: InsideClimate News, 11/28/2017


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