Climate Change

Investigations May Bring News in 2018

Almost a dozen investigations are underway at the U.S. EPA and the Interior Department, including of unusual travel, private sector connections and staff/advisory panel moves. This week's TipSheet runs down the probes in detail, and offers resources for coverage of developments in 2018.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Interior Department’s Climate Science Centers Persevere"

"Will Badlands National Park have enough forage in the future for its bison herds? Can the Wind River Reservation manage tribal water storage to account for the fact that snow now melts earlier? Could flash droughts be predicted more accurately, such as the one that Montana experienced last summer that led to one of the worst ever wildfire seasons in the state?"

Source: High Country News, 12/12/2017

"DOE: Senior Officials Ordered Removal Of 'Climate Change' — Emails"

"A DOE official's controversial request this summer for scientists to remove 'climate change' from research abstracts was ordered by senior national lab managers and was intended to satisfy President Trump's budget request, according to emails obtained by E&E News and confirmed by a lab aide."

Source: Greenwire, 12/12/2017

"World Leaders, High Security At Paris Climate Summit"

"More than 50 world leaders are joining bankers, energy magnates and others Tuesday in Paris for a summit that President Emmanuel Macron hopes will give new momentum to the fight against global warming — despite U.S. President Donald Trump's rejection of the Paris climate accord."

Source: AP, 12/12/2017

"Air Pollution: Pruitt Backs Off Enforcement Of Power Plant Program"

"U.S. EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt is instructing agency officials to effectively drop enforcement of one key facet of the New Source Review program, in what could be a prelude to broad changes in the handling of air permits for both new plants and expansions of existing facilities."

Source: Greenwire, 12/11/2017

FERC Seeks Delay In Considering Trump Coal, Nuclear Bailout

"The head of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is seeking a 30-day extension in the agency’s timeline to consider a proposal to prop up coal and nuclear power plants."

Source: The Hill, 12/11/2017


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