Climate Change

Resiliency Checklist — Is Your Community Ready for the Next Big Flood?

With flood-ravaged Midwestern states in the news, it’s time to ask whether your own community is ready for the “big one.” This week’s TipSheet offers a 10-point Resiliency Checklist to focus your reporting. Track the vulnerability of infrastructure like drinking water and sewage plants, roads, bridges and levees, the adequacy of flood insurance and much more.

SEJ Publication Types: 

New Wind and Solar Power Cheaper Than Existing Coal in Much of the U.S.

"Coal-fired power plants in the Southeast and Ohio Valley stand out. In all, 74% of coal plants cost more to run than building new wind or solar, analysts found." "Not a single coal-fired power plant along the Ohio River will be able to compete on price with new wind and solar power by 2025, according to a new report by energy analysts."

Source: InsideClimate News, 03/26/2019

"Fed Researcher Warns Climate Change Could Spur Financial Crisis"

"Climate change is becoming increasingly relevant to central bankers because losses from natural disasters that are magnified by higher temperatures and elevated sea levels could spark a financial crisis, a Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco researcher found."

Source: Bloomberg, 03/26/2019

"Recording Reveals Oil Industry Execs Laughing At Trump Access"

"Gathered for a private meeting at a beachside Ritz–Carlton in Southern California, the oil executives were celebrating a colleague’s sudden rise. David Bernhardt, their former lawyer, had been appointed by President Donald Trump to the powerful No. 2 spot at the Department of the Interior."

Source: Reveal, 03/25/2019


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