"Biden At Bottom Of List In Environmental Group's Climate Rankings"
"Former Vice President Joe Biden is trailing most of his Democratic presidential competitors in a newly released ranking of climate records."
"Former Vice President Joe Biden is trailing most of his Democratic presidential competitors in a newly released ranking of climate records."
"The story of the seabirds’ deaths likely starts at the bottom of the food chain, where warming water and climate change are changing the menu."
"Fishermen like Jose da Cruz have made their living for decades hunting for crabs among Brazil’s vast coastal mangrove forests, dense thickets of twisted plants in deep black mud that grow where fresh-water rivers meet the brackish Atlantic Ocean."
"About 80 countries want to increase their climate pledges ahead of schedule under the Paris climate accord, the United Nations said Tuesday, signaling that some of them would do so at a summit of world leaders in September."
"A growing number of Democratic politicians and environmental activists are demanding a live televised primary debate dedicated to climate change."
"The world is on track to lose a quarter of existing nuclear capacity by 2025, leaving clean energy and climate goals in jeopardy, according to a report released today."
"As some Republicans inch toward climate policy for the first time in years, those in the party who reject climate science are getting nervous that a more permanent shift is coming. And they're going on the attack against their former allies.
"North Dakota oil drillers are falling far short of the state’s goals to limit the burning of excess natural gas at well heads, five years after the state adopted the rules to reduce the wasteful and environmentally harmful practice."
"European Green parties on Monday were cheering E.U. elections that vaulted them into a kingmaking position of power, as voters abandoned traditional political parties in favor of climate-focused activists in a green wave that swept several countries."