Climate Change

Senate Dems Enter Permitting Fray With Bill Aimed at Climate, Electricity

"A group of Senate Democrats on Thursday unveiled their opening position in an ongoing debate over whether and how to try to overhaul the country’s process for approving energy and other infrastructure projects. The new proposal spearheaded by Sens. Tom Carper (D-Del.) and Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii) focuses on renewable energy, community involvement and building out the nation’s power lines."

Source: The Hill, 05/19/2023

El Niño Is Getting Stronger, Could Cost The Global Economy Trillions

"With an El Niño expected to develop in coming months, new research shows the naturally occurring climate pattern could cost the global economy trillions of dollars as its effects linger over years — a figure much higher than previous estimates that only considered immediate economic tolls."

Source: Washington Post, 05/19/2023

"Weather Extremes: What Happens To People After A Disaster?"

"These readings explore what happens when the TV cameras leave and rebuilding is all that’s left."

"Natural disasters are increasingly linked to climate change, and our awareness of them follows a now-familiar pattern. In the words of Inside Climate News Publisher David Sassoon, “A disaster strikes. The news reaches every home for a few days, perhaps a week. A debate erupts over whether climate change is to blame. Victims are profiled. There’s a tally of lives lost and property destroyed, and then the disaster is forgotten.”

Source: Yale Climate Connections, 05/18/2023

Report Finds Methane Mitigation in Texas Could Create Thousands of Jobs

"Texas officials have vowed to oppose federal regulations aimed at reducing methane emissions from oil and gas operations. But the report says plugging leaks and upgrading wells is poised to be a big business in the Lone Star State."

Source: Inside Climate News, 05/18/2023


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