Climate Change

House GOP Farm Bill ‘Robs Peter To Pay Paul,’ Agriculture Secretary Says

"The House Agriculture committee is trying to fund its farm bill proposals with “counterfeit money,” Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack told reporters Wednesday morning. Vilsack spoke after a range of groups from across the political spectrum criticized House Republicans’ proposed farm bill, which seeks to direct tens of billions to subsidies for farmers of peanuts, rice and cotton."

Source: The Hill, 05/24/2024

‘Heat Dome’ Leads To Sweltering In Mexico, Central America And US South

"Extreme heat in Mexico, Central America and parts of the U.S. South has left millions of people in sweltering temperatures, strained energy grids and resulted in iconic Howler monkeys in Mexico dropping dead from trees."

Source: AP, 05/24/2024

Senate Dems Open Inquiry Into Trump’s $1 Billion Request of Oil Industry

"Senate Democrats opened an investigation on Thursday into former President Donald J. Trump’s meeting with oil and gas executives last month to determine whether Mr. Trump offered a “policies-for-money transaction” when he asked for $1 billion for his 2024 campaign so he could retake the White House and delete President Biden’s climate regulations."

Source: NYTimes, 05/24/2024

Mangroves Protect Communities From Storms. Half Are At Risk, Report Finds

"Half of the world's mangrove ecosystems, with trees whose roots stretch down into brackish water, are at risk of collapse. That's according to the first assessment from the International Union for Conservation of Nature, a leading scientific authority on the status of species and ecosystems. The new report finds that sea level rise fueled by climate change is the biggest risk."

Source: NPR, 05/23/2024

"Fast-Rising Seas Could Swamp Septic Systems In Parts Of The South"

"On the worst days, when the backyard would flood and the toilet would gurgle and the smell of sewage hung thick in the air, Monica Arenas would flee to her mother-in-law’s home to use the bathroom or wash laundry."

Source: Washington Post, 05/23/2024

"Where Heat Waves Might Cause Blackouts: Look Up Your Area"

"Large swaths of California, Arizona, Nevada and Texas are projected to have to endure more than four months every year in which the temperature will be high enough to compromise power transformers, new research shows. As a result, blackouts caused by overheated electrical equipment could become more frequent by mid-century."

Source: Washington Post, 05/23/2024

Half Of World's Pastures Degraded By Overuse, Climate Change: UN Report

"Half the world's natural pasture land has been degraded by overexploitation and the impact of climate change, putting food supplies and livelihoods in peril, the United Nations body in charge of fighting desertification said on Tuesday."

Source: Reuters, 05/23/2024


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