Climate Change

White House May Urge Greater NEPA Transparency

New NEPA policies proposed in February by the Council on Environmental Quality cover climate impacts; findings of no impact and requirements for monitoring; categorical exclusions; and better tools for reporting to the public on NEPA activities.

SEJ Publication Types: 
March 11, 2010

Arctic Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning and the Role of the Arctic People

The Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission and the Environmental Law Institute bring together representatives of Arctic communities and federal agencies to begin a national conversation on the rights, traditions, and experiences of the Arctic people; existing co-management practices; competing management imperatives; and how to build from the existing system toward an Arctic marine spatial planning framework.


"Lawmakers Move To Restrain EPA on Climate Change"

As Congress has gridlocked on climate change, the Obama EPA has pushed forward to regulate greenhouse emissions under its Clean Air Act authority. Now some Congress members are proposing legislation to prevent EPA from doing that as well. The key question is how much support they can win from coal- and oil-state Democrats.

Source: Wash Post, 03/05/2010

"Study Says Undersea Release of Methane Is Under Way"

"Climate scientists have long warned that global warming could unlock vast stores of the greenhouse gas methane that are frozen into the Arctic permafrost, setting off potentially significant increases in global warming. Now researchers at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, and elsewhere say this change is under way in a little-studied area under the sea, the East Siberian Arctic Shelf, west of the Bering Strait."

Source: NYTimes, 03/05/2010


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