Climate Change

Obama's Drilling Pitch Sways Few Fence-Sitters on Climate Bill

President Obama does not appear to have won many GOP votes for climate change legislation with his offshore drilling plan. In fact, he may have lost as many votes as he may have gained. And the chief beneficiary of the drilling plan -- the oil and gas industry -- is running ads against a climate bill.

Source: Greenwire, 04/05/2010
April 16, 2010

Environmental Law and Policy Annual Review Conference

Co-sponsored by the Environmental Law Institute and Vanderbilt University Law School, this conference will highlight five articles that address various aspects of the hottest topics in the current policy debate: climate change, translocal government organizations, nuclear waste, and endangered species.


"The Secret of Sea Level Rise: It Will Vary Greatly by Region"

"As the world warms, sea levels could easily rise three to six feet this century. But increases will vary widely by region, with prevailing winds, powerful ocean currents, and even the gravitational pull of the polar ice sheets determining whether some coastal areas will be inundated while others stay dry."

Source: YaleE360, 03/25/2010


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