Climate Change

"B.C.'s Shellfish Industry Can't Aid Oil Spill Recovery"

"West Coast oyster farmers are fielding calls from farmers on the Gulf of Mexico as the work begins to replace the shellfish breeding beds damaged by the massive oil spill. But while shellfish farmers in the Pacific Northwest are anxious to help, they say they have little to offer."

Source: Vancouver Province, 07/26/2010

"Senate Energy Package: Wait, It Gets Worse!"

"Just got confirmation from several Senate offices about what is actually going to be in the package Democrats put forward next week. In a nutshell, this is going to be a very tiny package, with little in the way of energy measures. I'm not even sure you can call it an energy package at this point."

Source: Mother Jones, 07/23/2010

"Democrats Call Off Climate Bill Effort"

"The effort to advance a major climate change bill through the Senate this summer collapsed Thursday ... Bowing to political reality, Senator Harry Reid, the Nevada Democrat and majority leader, said the Senate would not take up legislation intended to reduce carbon emissions blamed as a cause of climate change, but would instead pursue a more limited measure focused on responding to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and tightening energy efficiency standards."

Source: NYTimes, 07/23/2010

"Cool Roofs Can Offset CO2 Emissions And Mitigate Global Warming"

"Can light-colored rooftops and roads really curb carbon emissions and combat global climate change? The idea has been around for years, but now, a new study by researchers at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory that is the first to use a global model to study the question has found that implementing cool roofs and cool pavements in cities around the world can not only help cities stay cooler, they can also cool the world, with the potential of canceling the heating effect of up to two years of worldwide carbon dioxide emissions."

Source: SPX, 07/21/2010


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