
Toxic Metals at New Orleans High School Site Must Be Addressed: Report

"Toxic heavy metals found on the construction site of a planned $55 million replacement for the former Booker T. Washington High School in New Orleans will require the removal of 3 feet of soil in areas that won't be covered by the new building's concrete foundation or parking lots, according to a report submitted on behalf of the Recovery School District to the state Department of Environmental Quality."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 10/31/2013

Enviros Name "Dirty Dozen" Hormone Disrupting Chemicals Needing Limits

"Bisphenol A has gotten a much higher profile in recent years, as the 'BPA-free' label adorns an increasing number of water bottles and baby products. News headlines regularly hint at possible connections between BPA and a lengthening list of health problems. But the ingredient is still common in plastics, food can liners -- and in our bodies."

Source: Huffington Post, 10/29/2013

Facing Suits Over Asbestos, Paper Giant Launched Secretive Research

"In the spring of 2005, Georgia-Pacific Corp. found itself facing nearly $1 billion in liability from a product it hadn’t made in nearly three decades: a putty-like building material, known as joint compound, containing the cancer-causing mineral asbestos."

Source: Center for Public Integrity, 10/21/2013
November 17, 2013 to November 21, 2013

Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) North America's 34th Annual Meeting

At SETAC North America's 34th Annual Meeting, scientists from business, government and academia will present their latest research on topics ranging from honeybee pesticide risk to reclamation strategies on the Canadian oil sands.

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