
"Plants Emitting Pollutants Illegally, Report Claims"

"Hundreds of industrial facilities across Texas are illegally spewing millions of pounds of toxic pollutants into the air each year when they break down or perform maintenance, and state environmental regulators are not adequately policing the rogue emissions, according to a new report."

Source: Texas Tribune, 04/28/2016

LEPCs, SERCs, Should Aid Journos Covering Chem Threats. Does Yours?

Many local and state agencies, set up under a 1986 federal law to inform the public, are a great resource for stories at the local, state, and even national level. Some don't — often based on a fear that terrorists could use the information to harm people. Here's how to find yours.

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Oil Lobby Group Part of Government — Doesn't Have To Disclose

The Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission (IOGCC) lobbied successfully to pass and preserve the "Halliburton Loophole," which exempts the oil and gas industry from the law requiring disclosure of toxic fracking chemicals.

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