
Hundreds of Scientists Call For Caution On Anti-Microbial Chemical Use

"More than 200 scientists outline a broad range of concerns for triclosan and triclocarban and call for reduced use worldwide ". "Two ingredients used in thousands of products to kill bacteria, fungi and viruses linger in the environment and pose a risk to human health, according to a statement released today by more than 200 scientists and health professionals."

Source: EHN, 06/20/2017

Vets Affairs Official Downplays Agent Orange Risks, Questions Critics

"A key federal official who helps adjudicate claims by veterans who say they were exposed to Agent Orange has downplayed the risks of the chemical herbicide and questioned the findings of scientists, journalists and even a federal administrative tribunal that conflict with his views."

Source: ProPublica, 06/14/2017

"FDA Resumes Testing Foods For Weed Killer, Safety Questions Grow"

"The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has resumed its first-ever endeavor to evaluate how much of a controversial chemical is making its way into the U.S. food supply. And the tests can’t come soon enough as safety concerns about the herbicide known as glyphosate grow."

Source: HuffPost, 06/08/2017

Inspector General Probing Whether EPA Staffer Colluded With Monsanto

"The inspector general for the Environmental Protection Agency is initiating a probe into possible collusion between a former high-ranking EPA official and Monsanto, the maker of the herbicide glyphosate, according to a letter the IG sent to a lawmaker last Friday that HuffPost has obtained."

Source: HuffPost, 06/07/2017


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