
EPA Moves To Limit Financial Pressure on PFAS Makers Under Cleanup Law

"A proposal from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would absolve the nation’s manufacturers of cancer-linked “forever chemicals” from broad financial responsibility for cleaning up their product as it leaches into the water supply across the country."

Source: The Hill, 02/24/2020

Kansas Air Force Base Finds High Levels Of 'Erin Brockovich' Chemical

"The cancer-linked compound made famous by the movie “Erin Brockovich” has been found in dangerous levels inside an aircraft hangar at McConnell Air Force Base, including its breakroom, according to documents exclusively obtained by McClatchy."

Source: McClatchy, 02/21/2020

"Bald Eagles Across The United States Are Dying From Lead Poisoning"

"Bald eagles across the United States are dying from lead bullets -- but it's not because they're being shot. The Cape Fear Raptor Center, North Carolina's largest eagle rehab facility, has treated seven eagles in the past month for lead poisoning, executive director Dr. Joni Shimp told CNN."

Source: CNN, 02/18/2020


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