Economy & Business

Between the Lines: Iconic Author, Former Farmer, Plants Seeds for a ‘More Attractive’ World

In this "Between the Lines" excerpt from the latest issue of SEJournal, book editor Tom Henry interviews Earth Policy Institute's Lester Brown, recipient of 25 honorary degrees and author of 54 books (although, amazingly, he never learned to type).

SEJ Publication Types: 

ExxonMobil Targets Journalists, Activists After Climate Change Probe

"After an investigation found that ExxonMobil has been funding climate-denying organizations — despite the findings of its own scientists on climate change—the world’s fourth-largest oil company is now going after the journalists who revealed it."

Source: Motherboard, 10/26/2015

Canada Election: Stephen Harper’s Fossil Fuel Gamble May Have Backfired

"It’s 11.30am in the pumping heart of Canada’s tar sands industry, on a day when local crude is trading at a rock-bottom $29 a barrel. For the down-and-out men and women heading down to the free lunch in the basement of a Fort McMurray church, it’s hard to see a way back up."

Source: Guardian, 10/16/2015
November 18, 2015 to November 20, 2015

Greenbuild International Summit

At the 2015 International Summit, representatives from over 80 nations will come together to discuss common challenges. We see our ideas as valuable, applicable, replicable and worth sharing.  This year, the Summit is the place where we connect the dots between climate change, finance, policy, industry, resource security, practice and innovation.


"Oil Sands Boom Dries Up in Alberta, Taking Thousands of Jobs With It"

"FORT McMURRAY, Alberta — At a camp for oil workers here, a collection of 16 three-story buildings that once housed 2,000 workers sits empty. A parking lot at a neighboring camp is now dotted with abandoned cars. With oil prices falling precipitously, capital-intensive projects rooted in the heavy crude mined from Alberta’s oil sands are losing money, contributing to the loss of about 35,000 energy industry jobs across the province."

Source: NY Times, 10/13/2015


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