
Poultry Plant Workers Complain Of Intimidation After Fatal Chemical Leak

"Meat plant workers who were injured and displaced after a fatal accident in the US last month are alleged to have been intimidated and offered limited medical care." "Foundation Food Group allegedly asked workers to sign blank sheets of paper, and impeded compensation and healthcare claims".


Source: Guardian, 02/17/2021

"EPA Again Orders Amazon To Stop Selling Illegal Pesticides"

"For the third time in three years, the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has ordered Amazon to stop selling illegal pesticides on its online marketplace, saying the chemicals pose “a significant and immediate health risk to consumers, children, pets, and others exposed to the products.”"

Source: Seattle Times, 02/11/2021

Seeding Climate Stories in the Backyard Garden

Spring may be weeks away, but gardeners are already browsing the seed catalogs, and that makes it a good time for environmental journalists to apprise them of how climate change will affect their backyard patches. Reporter’s Toolbox talks “hardiness zones” and explains why one of the usual repositories of government information may fall short. That plus, story sources to, well, cultivate.

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