
Big Agriculture Warns Farming Must Change Or Risk ‘Destroying The Planet’

"Food companies and governments must come together immediately to change the world’s agricultural practices or risk “destroying the planet”, according to the sponsors of a report by some of the largest food and farming businesses released on Thursday."

Source: Guardian, 11/03/2022

Documentary Tells of Human, Environmental Toll of Unexploded Ordnance

A film by reporting duo Jerry Redfern and Karen Coates — supported by a grant from the Society of Environmental Journalists — shows the ongoing human and environmental harm of the unexploded U.S. bombs and other ordnance dropped on Southeast Asian villages during the Vietnam War. “Eternal Harvest,” which builds on their earlier book on the topic, was made painstakingly over years, and in the latest FEJ StoryLog, the couple explains their process and storytelling approach.

SEJ Publication Types: 

ESA Inaction Spells Trouble for an Iconic Grassland Bird

The lesser prairie-chicken is in dire need of protection, but a decision on listing it under the Endangered Species Act is months overdue. Environmental reporter Mike Smith looks at the causes and potential consequences of the bureaucratic delay and muses on whether this unique bird will go the way of its even more imperiled relative, the Attwater’s prairie-chicken.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Coming Soon to a Food Label Near You: ‘Bee-Friendly’ Certifications"

"A growing number of farms are seeking out pollinator-friendly certifications, but the two programs offering certification—run by the Xerces Society and Pollinator Partnership—are taking very different approaches."

Source: Civil Eats, 10/25/2022

"Cow-Harming ‘Forever Chemicals’ Strain USDA’s Relief Resources"

"Dairy farmer Art Schaap had to watch his cows slowly die for over three years before the federal government paid him for the animals — contaminated with toxic “forever chemicals” from a nearby military base."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 10/25/2022


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