
All forms of advocacy, esp. environmental groups.

"Is TransCanada Laying Defective Keystone XL Pipe in Texas?"

"TransCanada, the company currently constructing the southern segment of the Keystone XL pipeline, claims to use 'top quality steel and welding techniques' throughout its pipeline network. Last week, however, activists fighting the construction of the pipeline released images of what they claim are improperly welded pipeline seams. The photos were released by Keystone XL blockader Ramsey Sprague at the Pipe Tech Americas 2013 conference in Texas and were taken by blockader Isabel Brooks."

Source: DeSmogBlog, 02/07/2013

Enviros Threaten To Sue 3 Coal Plants for Polluting Chesapeake Rivers

"A trio of environmental groups warned Monday they would sue the operator of three coal-fired power plants in Maryland for allegedly discharging excessive amounts of nutrient pollution into Chesapeake Bay rivers and trying to mask their violations by transferring pollution 'credits' among facilities."

Source: Baltimore Sun, 01/29/2013

"Sierra Club To Engage in Civil Disobedience for First Time"

"How hot is the controversial Keystone Pipeline controversy getting? The Sierra Club is — for the first time in its history — going to engage in civil disobedience on Feb. 17 in Washington, D.C., which is also a day that greenies predict will be 'the largest climate rally in history.'"

Source: San Francisco Chronicle, 01/24/2013

"Democratic Senators Pass Torch to EPA on Climate Change"

President Obama's vow to address climate change in his second Inaugural Address January 21 could actually prove more than bold words. Despite the failure of the 111th and 112th Congresses to pass a cap-and-trade bill or any other major climate change legislation, Obama clearly has the power to limit greenhouse gas emissions himself, using his Supreme Court-tested executive authority under the Clean Air Act and other powers. Key Congressional Democrats are urging him on.

Source: National Journal, 01/23/2013


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