
All forms of advocacy, esp. environmental groups.

September 19, 2012 to September 25, 2012

Lewis M. Branscomb Science and Democracy Forum-Sept 19th, 25th

Join the Union of Concerned Scientists (USC) Center for Science and Democracy for a forum on barriers to citizen access to governmental scientific information. Attend the symposium via webcast or in person at the Newseum (limited seating) from 8:30 to Noon EDT. The session is free but requires registration.


Federal Judge Limits PETA Video Display at Kansas State Fair

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals had planned to display a video showing animals being slaughtered and instances of abuse. The fair board said that PETA could only show the video within its booth and out of public view, so that people would have to make a deliberate decision to see it.

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Topics on the Beat: 

"Brash Drilling Chants Unlikely in State Haunted By Gulf Spill"

"TAMPA, Fla. -- 'Drill, baby, drill!' is over the hill. Four years ago, the slogan was chanted during the Republican convention and strengthened into a resounding chorus by the November election. Since then, the economy tanked, Sarah Palin lost her luster and the worst spill in the nation's history fouled the Gulf of Mexico."

Source: Greenwire, 08/28/2012


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