
Controversial Newspaper Campaign Takes on Climate ‘Fatalism’

The Guardian's James Randerson explains how his newspaper came to launch its 'Keep it in the Ground' campaign, backing the global fossil fuel divestment movement — and how, rather than constraining the paper journalistically, the project provided a connection to readers that goes far beyond a click on a website.

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Revolving Door: When Enviro Reporters Leave the Beat Behind

SEJ co-founder Rae Tyson delves into the reasons why talented individuals stop working for the purveyors of news, following the recent defection of two veteran reporters — New York Times’ Matt Wald and Dina Cappiello of the Associated Press. Photo (l-r): Former Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar, Dina Cappiello and a fellow AP staffer. © AP/Charles Dharapak.

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