Southwest (AZ NM OK TX)

"Anglers Flock To Contaminated Texas Reservoir"

"DONNA, Texas -- Signs bearing a skull and crossbones dot the banks of a reservoir and canal near this town on the U.S.-Mexico border, but the fishermen standing in the reeds nearby ignore them, casually reeling in fish that are contaminated with toxic chemicals and banned for human consumption."

Source: AP, 03/05/2012

"Oklahoma Oil And Gas Injection Regulations Come Under Fire"

"There are an estimated 11,000 private and commercial injection and disposal wells in Oklahoma. Each year those wells are injected with billions of gallons of oil and gas wastewater. According to the Oklahoma Corporation Commission commercial disposal wells pumped at least 8.8 billion gallons of wastewater into the earth in the last two years. A spokesperson for the Corporation Commission said they have not tallied the amount of water injected through private wells." One of those operations may have ruined the well water of Rusty Russell.

Source: Tulsa NewsOn6, 02/23/2012

"Drought’s Toll on Texas’ Urban Forest: Up To 5.6 Million Trees"

"About 5.6 million trees in cities and towns across Texas were killed by last year’s record-setting drought, the Texas Forest Service has estimated after studying before-and-after satellite imagery."

"This 'dramatic' toll on the state’s urban forest is “a slow-moving disaster, not like a hurricane or ice storm,” lead researcher Pete Smith of the Forest Service told Texas Climate News.

Source: Texas Climate News, 02/21/2012

Obama Vows Disclosure of Toxic Fracking Secrets on Federal Land

Most current fracking operations happen on non-federal lands. But on federal lands, things are different — Obama intends to require disclosure of fluids as a condition of new leases for fracking on federal lands. If it takes place, this could push the ingredient lists further into the open.

SEJ Publication Types: 
January 30, 2012 to February 1, 2012

Energy, Utility and Environment Conference (EUEC) 2012

EUEC 2012 is the 15th annual energy, utility and environment conference, making it the largest and longest running professional networking and educational event of its kind in the United States. Gina McCarthy's keynote address will include the EPA's new Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS).



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