Mountain West (CO ID MT NV UT WY)

February 3, 2020

DEADLINE: ICN’s Mountain West Environmental Reporting Workshop

Are you a journalist in the U.S. Mountain West who wants to produce more in-depth clean energy, environmental and climate stories for your news outlet? InsideClimate News' next regional workshop will be held March 23-24, 2020, in Salt Lake City, Utah. The deadline to apply is Feb. 3.

January 31, 2020

DEADLINE: Mountain West Travel Grants

The Solutions Journalism Network offers travel grants of up to $750 to journalists and news organizations based in the Mountain West (Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Colorado, New Mexico) to report on solutions outside their own community. Next deadline: Jan 31, 2020.

Topics on the Beat: 

"Ruling Puts Hold On Gold Exploration Plans In Eastern Idaho"

"The U.S. Forest Service violated environmental laws by failing to adequately consider potential harm to Yellowstone cutthroat trout in a Canadian mining company’s plans to expand its search for gold in eastern Idaho, a judge has ruled."

Source: AP, 12/23/2019

USFS Lets Mining Company Write Its Own Environmental Analysis: Report

"New documents reveal that the Trump administration has let a mining company take on a major role in writing the environmental report that is key to getting its Idaho gold mine project government approval, the Idaho Statesman reports."

Source: The Hill, 12/16/2019
September 16, 2020 to September 30, 2020

SEJ's 30th Anniversary Conference (Part 1), Virtual, Sept 2020

Registration is now open for part one of SEJ's 30th Anniversary Conference:
#SEJ2020 Virtual Conference, September 16, 17, 23 and 30, will convene the SEJ community to investigate environmental angles on the 2020 elections and other timely events, celebrate the winners of the SEJ Awards for Reporting on the Environment, and preview workshops, tours and panels coming in June. Part two, the in-person conference in Boise, takes place June 2-6 (#SEJ2021). Special thanks to our partners at Boise State University and the city of Boise for graciously adapting to these changes necessary to protect everyone's health. Go to the conference website.


SEJ's 30th Anniversary Conference, Sept. 2020

#SEJ2020, our first-ever virtual conference, took place September 16, 17, 23 and 30. Registered attendees can watch recordings of #SEJ2020 in the Whova app.


News Can Net Eyeballs By Turning Dweebish Data Into Magic Maps

When it comes to telling environment and energy stories, especially about place and scale, data visualizations can turn an average story into a standout. Reporter’s Toolbox takes a look at some recent examples of inspiring data-mapping projects that provide insight into everything from auto emissions and floods to vanishing rivers and whipping winds.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Another Bad-News Year Ahead for U.S. Coal?

As U.S. coal’s comedown continues, our latest Issue Backgrounder takes a close look at the factors behind the industry’s decline and finds a combination of economics, competition and shifting global markets, along with aging technology, politics and environmental pushback. What’s in store for coal in 2020?

SEJ Publication Types: 


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