Mountain West (CO ID MT NV UT WY)

Keeping Up With Victims Displaced by Climate Disasters

Disasters driven by climate change can leave a lot of people needing help or being displaced long term. But a key safety net and a central federal aid agency often accomplish little to help climate refugees, reports the latest TipSheet. Get the backstory, plus the outlook, along with questions and resources for stories in your community in the wake of climate disasters.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Native American Tribes To Co-Manage National Monument For First Time"

"The Biden administration has reached a historic agreement to give five Native American tribes more say over the day-to-day management of a national monument in Utah, marking a new chapter in the federal government’s often-fraught relationship with tribes."

Source: Washington Post, 06/21/2022

"Yellowstone Floods Wipe Out Roads, Bridges, Strand Visitors"

"Massive floodwaters ravaged Yellowstone National Park and nearby communities Monday, washing out roads and bridges, cutting off electricity and forcing visitors to evacuate parts of the iconic park at the height of summer tourist season."

Source: AP, 06/14/2022

Going Beyond Sensational Drought Headlines Gives Local Audiences News They Need

As drought continues to afflict the southwestern United States, New Mexico PBS correspondent and producer Laura Paskus writes that environmental journalists must bring home its impact on local communities, while translating the science, making the connection with climate change and holding public officials accountable. Plus, reporting resources and a reminder that the story is too big for any one journalist.

SEJ Publication Types: 

#SEJ2023 Annual Conference, Boise, Idaho, April 19-23

SEJ's 32nd annual conference took place in Boise, Idaho, hosted by Boise State University. See the agenda. On our conference coverage page, you'll find video recordings of the plenaries and audio recordings of most concurrent sessions.


Topics on the Beat: 
April 6, 2022

DEADLINE: IJNR Workshop — Wildfire on the Range

The Institute for Journalism & Natural Resources invites journalists to an expenses-paid workshop in Boise, Idaho, May 11-13 2022, to meet with wildfire experts, travel into the field and hear firsthand from those tasked with managing fire and mitigating its impacts. Priority will be given to journalists of color. Apply by Apr 6.

Topics on the Beat: 


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