Great Lakes (IL IN MI MN OH WI)

"Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Advisers Quit Over Pipeline Permit"

"A citizen advisory group at the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) has collapsed following the regulator’s decision to issue a water-quality permit to Enbridge Energy for its Line 3 oil pipeline cutting through Minnesota."

Source: Minneapolis Star Tribune, 11/19/2020

Flint, Other Defendants Agree To Settle Water Lawsuit For $641.2 Million

"The city of Flint and two other defendants have joined a $600-million Flint water crisis settlement the state of Michigan announced in August, bringing the total value of the settlement in the lead poisoning case to $641.2 million, attorneys announced late Tuesday."

Source: Detroit Free Press, 11/19/2020

For Waste Industry, PFAS Disposal Leads to Controversy, Regulation, Mounting Costs

The toxic compounds known as PFAS are causing a crisis in the waste and recycling industry, which faces mounting regulation and litigation over handling its presence in the waste stream. One reporter on the PFAS front lines explains the industry’s dilemma, as well as the challenges of covering the story and how a financial prism led to important insights into industry’s response.

SEJ Publication Types: 

How Much Longer Will Insurers Cover Wildfire Loss Near You?

With wildfire exploding across the West this season, it may not be long before insurance companies worried about houses built along the wildland-urban interface try to raise premiums or drop policies altogether. It’s already happening in California, which is pushing back. Will it happen in your region as well? TipSheet has the backstory, plus a range of reporting resources.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Polluter Moving From Wealthy, White Home To A Low-Income Latino Area

"Chicago is facing scrutiny from federal housing officials, who are investigating why the city is allowing a chronic polluter to move from the wealthy, largely white North Side to a low-income, predominantly Latino neighborhood near the Indiana border."

Source: Chicago Tribune, 11/04/2020

"FirstEnergy Fires CEO Jones in Wake of Ohio Bribery Scandal"

"FirstEnergy Corp. fired Chief Executive Officer Charles Jones and two other senior executives after a board review set up in the wake of a federal corruption scandal found they violated the company’s policies and its code of conduct."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 11/02/2020

"Minority Communities Question Election-Year Push by EPA"

"Theresa Landrum lives in southwest Detroit, where residents complain frequently about dirty air. Tree-shaded neighborhoods with schools, churches and parks lie on either side of an interstate highway and in the shadow of a sprawling oil refinery that belches soot and fumes."

Source: AP, 10/27/2020


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