Great Lakes (IL IN MI MN OH WI)

Don’t Overlook Lead Paint Toxicity Stories in Your Area

Lead poisoning of U.S. drinking water has been a big headline-grabber in recent years, but there’s an even bigger environmental justice crisis — toxic lead exposure from paint. The latest TipSheet reports that this overlooked school and housing issue is getting new attention, but solving it will be difficult and expensive. Get context, reporting resources and ideas to tackle the story in your community.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Report: Climate Change Threatens These 29 Michigan Chemical Sites"

"Climate change is likely to bring more catastrophes to Michigan, and a new federal report warns that 29 sites that use hazardous chemicals are in the pathway of worsening floods driven by a changing planet."

Source: Bridge Michigan, 03/17/2022

"Illinois AG Asked To Ensure Proper Cleanup Of Oil Spill"

"The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency has asked the Attorney General to enforce cleanup and other action by energy company Marathon Pipe Line after an estimated 165,000 gallons of crude oil leaked from its pipeline in Edwardsville, some of which flowed into a creek, according to the state agency."

Source: Bellieville News-Democrat, 03/16/2022

"Court: Duke Can’t Make Customers Pay Coal-Ash Cleanup Costs"

"Indiana’s biggest utility can’t make its customers pay more than $200 million in costs related to cleaning up its toxic coal ash, according to a ruling Thursday from the Indiana Supreme Court."

Source: Indianapolis Star, 03/15/2022

Chicago Mayor Denies Permit To Scrap Shredder; Company Vows To Fight On

"Faced with an outcry from neighborhood activists, federal civil rights investigations and pressure from the Biden administration, Mayor Lori Lightfoot on Friday blocked a clout-heavy scrap shredder from opening on Chicago’s Southeast Side."

Source: Chicago Tribune, 02/21/2022

Biden Touts $1 Billion In Funding For Great Lakes Cleanup In Ohio Trip

"President Biden visited Ohio on Thursday to tout $1 billion in funding from the bipartisan infrastructure bill passed last year that will be used to clean and restore environmentally degraded sites around the Great Lakes, a major source of drinking water in the region."

Source: Washington Post, 02/18/2022

Job Opening: Science Editor/Writer, Alliance of Crop, Soil, and Environmental Science Societies

The primary responsibilities of this position are to develop and write feature stories related to the agronomic, crop, soil, and environmental sciences for CSA News magazine. The Science Editor/Writer will need to balance several projects at once while supporting multiple projects. The Editor/Writer will maintain a productive, positive relationship with Society leadership and members. This is a full-time, salaried position headquartered in Madison, WI, but remote workers will also be considered.

Position Duties


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