Great Lakes (IL IN MI MN OH WI)

"Heart of Michigan Park Sacrificed for Private Golf Course"

"BENTON HARBOR, Mich. -- In this predominantly black town with the lowest per-capita income anywhere in this hard-hit Rust Belt state, municipal leaders allowed a development group to take over the heart of a city park that fronts onto Lake Michigan -- land originally bequeathed to the people of Benton Harbor forever."

Source: Investigate West, 06/12/2012

"Sacred Water, New Mine: a Michigan Tribe Battles a Global Corporation"

"Head in any direction on Michigan’s remote Upper Peninsula and you will reach gushing rivers, placid ponds and lakes -- both Great and small. An abundant resource, this water has nourished a small Native American community for hundreds of years. So 10 years ago, when an international mining company arrived near the shores of Lake Superior to burrow a mile under the Earth and pull metals out of ore, the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community of the Lake Superior Band of Chippewa had to stand for its rights and its water."

Source: EHN, 06/12/2012

"Epic Cleanup Begins at Gary’s Toxic Lagoon"

"GARY — The secluded west side neighborhood once filled with chickens and horses has been replaced by giant yellow excavators and crews in hard hats. No remnants of the Hispanic enclave nicknamed Cowboy Town remain now as the cleanup of the toxic Ralston Street lagoon shifts into high gear after decades of delay."

Source: Gary Post-Tribune, 06/11/2012

New Ohio Law Limits Disclosure of Fracking Fluid Ingredients

The Ohio legislature cleared a fracking bill May 24, 2012 that increases inspections of wells and requires drillers to hold liability insurance. But Reuters reports: "Many Democrats said the bill paves the way for the industry to hide information about toxic chemicals that could contaminate groundwater."

SEJ Publication Types: 
September 30, 2012 to October 5, 2012

EcoSummit 2012 - Ecological Sustainability

EcoSummit 2012 will bring together the world's most respected minds in ecological science to discuss restoring the planet's ecosystems.



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