
"Appeals Court Upholds California's Anti-Greenhouse Gas Program"

"A state appeals court on Thursday ruled California's high profile market system for reducing greenhouse gas emissions does not amount to an illegal tax, a decision that could lift a pall over the so-called cap-and-trade program's marketplace for buying and selling pollution allowances."

Source: Reuters, 04/07/2017

Trump Review of Auto Emissions Standards Upsets Deal

Has President Donald Trump really unraveled Obama-era auto mileage standards and the climate policy they supported? Far from it, explains our latest Backgrounder. Here's why true change on auto emissions will take much more than a presidential fiat. And get angles and sources to report the ongoing issue. 

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Defying Man & Nature, The Sea Otters Of Morro Bay Have Made A Comeback

"On a day of cozy coastal grays — soft cloud cover, a silver foil-wrap sea — a dozen gray fur balls brought visitors the most comfort. Bobbing 20 feet from a harbor walkway, the sea otters were part of a record number in California. They once were believed to be as extinct as the dodo bird or the Tyrannosaurus rex."

Source: LA Times, 03/27/2017

Calif. Upholds Auto Emissions Standards, Setting Up Face-Off With Trump

"California’s clean-air agency voted on Friday to push ahead with stricter emissions standards for cars and trucks, setting up a potential legal battle with the Trump administration over the state’s plan to reduce planet-warming gases."

Source: NY Times, 03/27/2017


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