
Is Your Local Landfill Leaking Methane?

It’s a good case for the global-local nexus: The potent greenhouse gas methane may be leaking from your local landfill. And this week’s TipSheet explains the latest news developments in this long-standing controversy, as well as policy disputes over capturing the gas. Plus, get story ideas and questions to ask for your local reporting.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"California Central Coast, Bay Area to Open for Drilling"

"A more than five-year moratorium on leasing land in California for oil and gas development will be coming to an end with a May 9 Interior Department plan to open up about 725,000 acres across the state’s Central Coast and the Bay Area for drilling."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 05/10/2019

Between the Lines: Forging a Future for a ‘Forgotten River’

Washington, D.C.’s long-neglected Anacostia River bears both tragedy and beauty. And author Krista Schlyer plumbs its depths in her most recent book, “River of Redemption.” In this Between the Lines, she speaks of her connection to the urban waterway, as well as her latest reporting on the environmental impact of the border wall.

SEJ Publication Types: 
August 27, 2020

11th Annual Women in Green Forum

The annual WIGF program highlights women’s impact on the environmental industry. The 2020 event in Los Angeles will convene sustainability trailblazers who share insights about the newest and most cutting-edge environmental innovations.



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