
June 6, 2016 to June 7, 2016

Data Visualization for Storytellers Workshop

Learn how to navigate the junction of “effective” and “pretty” at Berkeley Advanced Media Institute's workshop. You’ll learn the tools that will help present complex data to an audience, in a way that’s easily accessible to the public, as well as techniques for conveying the story behind that data.

Topics on the Beat: 

"‘Blackout Blackmail’: New Report Casts Doubt On Utility’s Claims"

"A new report calls into question — again — California’s handling of this winter’s historic natural gas leak, this time suggesting that regulators and the gas company are purposely scaring the community and legislature into putting the storage facility back online."

Source: Climate Progress, 04/13/2016

Washington: "State, US Agree To Dismantle 4 Dams On Klamath River"

"The Obama administration and California officials are expected to announce a landmark agreement Wednesday to tear down four hydroelectric dams on the Klamath River, bypassing Congress to restore a major salmon fishery on the Oregon border."

Source: San Francisco Chronicle, 04/07/2016

Most Members of South Coast Pollution Board Live Where Air Is Cleaner

"As Southern California continues to battle the nation’s worst smog, most members of a powerful regional panel that enforces air pollution regulations can breathe relatively easily. Nine of the 13 members of the South Coast Air Quality Management District live close to the ocean in Los Angeles or Orange counties, where ozone, the hallmark pollutant of summer smog, exceeds federal health standards fewer than 10 days a year."

Source: Orange County Register, 04/04/2016

Court Deals Setback to Port of L.A. Rail Yard Near Poor Neighborhoods

"A California judge ruled Wednesday that the Port of Los Angeles and a national railroad company failed to adequately assess the environmental impacts of a $500-million freight yard they want to build next to low-income, mostly minority neighborhoods."

Source: LA Times, 04/01/2016

Legislator Will Counter S. Calif. Air Board's Polluter-Friendly Move

"The leader of the state Senate said Tuesday that he will push to reverse efforts by the Southern California air quality board to adopt pollution rules friendlier to industry, saying swift action is needed to prevent a rollback of environmental gains."

Source: LA Times, 03/09/2016

Superbugs From Hospitals Get Stronger In Sewers, May End Up In Pacific

The sewage that flows from Southern California may contain deadly, antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Instead of removing them, the sewage collection and treatment system may offer a "luxury hotel" where the superbugs can proliferate before sewage is released to the Pacific.

Source: LA Times, 03/08/2016


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