
"Fresno Searches For Answers On Discoloration, Lead In Water"

"A vocal and growing number of residents in northeast Fresno are convinced water from the city’s Surface Water Treatment Facility is primarily responsible for corrosion in their pipes, causing discolored water – and in several dozen instances, lead contamination – to flow from their household faucets."

Source: Fresno Bee, 07/11/2016

"California's Struggle Over The Chemical BPA Continues"

"Californians this summer are starting to see a new warning at checkout lines of grocery stores, pharmacies and convenience markets that the products on their shelves may include a dangerous chemical. But there's one problem: The signs don't tell them which products."

Source: San Jose Mercury News, 07/04/2016

In Calif., Study Finds Drilling and Fracking into Freshwater Formations

"The overlap of oil and gas development and water sources underscores the vulnerability of California's groundwater, and the need for monitoring, the authors said."

"In California's farming heartland, as many as one of every five oil and gas projects occurs in underground sources of fresh water, according to a new study published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Source: InsideClimate News, 06/28/2016

"Raging Wildfires in the Southwest Stretch Resources"

"Firefighters across Arizona and New Mexico battled 31 wildfires on Wednesday, their efforts complicated by a relentless heat wave and bone-dry conditions. And in the Angeles National Forest, on the northern edge of Los Angeles, two fires kept more than 300 families from their homes as the fires threatened to merge into one."

Source: NY Times, 06/23/2016


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