
April 5, 2011

SEJ Toronto Pub Night

Journalists are invited to join Toronto-area SEJ members at our monthly pub night. In April, our guest will be Jim Stanford, economist with the CAW and author of Economics for Everyone.

March 1, 2011

SEJ Toronto Pub Night

Toronto-area journalists are invited to join SEJ members at our monthly pub night on Tuesday, March 1. Our guest this month will be Ravenna Alnuaimy-Barker, executive director of Sustain Ontario. Given that food security has been in the news so much of late, it seems a good time to sit down and discuss Ontario agriculture and food policy. Where better to do that than at the pub? Event is free, but space is limited.

Topics on the Beat: 

"Environment Canada Investigates Many, But Convicts Few"

"Environment Canada enforcement officers launched hundreds of investigations, typed up thousands of warnings and carried out tens of thousands of inspections over a recent seven-year stretch. But over that period they nailed down only 32 convictions – putting the annual average at less than five."

Source: Toronto Globe & Mail, 02/07/2011


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