Antarctica & Arctic

"Russia, China Block Move For New Antarctic Marine Reserves"

"Members of a multinational group on Antarctic conservation failed to agree Friday on a roadmap for the creation of three new marine protected areas—a goal that has proven elusive for years."

Source: AFP, 06/26/2023

Rising Antarctic Ice Melt Will Badly Slow Global Ocean Flows: Study

"Rapidly melting Antarctic ice is dramatically slowing down the flow of water through the world's oceans, and could have a disastrous impact on global climate, the marine food chain and even the stability of ice shelves, new research has found."

Source: Reuters, 03/30/2023

"Arctic Ice Has Seen An ‘Irreversible’ Thinning Since 2007, Study Says"

"Arctic sea ice declined dramatically in 2007 and has never recovered. New research suggests the loss was a fundamental change unlikely to be reversed this century, if ever — perhaps proof of the sort of climate tipping point that scientists have warned the planet could pass as it warms."

Source: Washington Post, 03/16/2023


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