
July 30, 2019 to August 3, 2019

Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation Annual Meeting

The 56th ATBC annual meeting takes place in Madagascar, a location with stunning and diversified natural environments that is under serious threat by different factors. Researchers, students and professionals in a range of scientific disciplines from around the world aim to provide an effective tool towards this common effort to harmonize biodiversity conservation and human well-being.


“Saudi America: The Truth About Fracking and How It’s Changing the World”

The economics of fracking may be as big a worry as its environmental impacts, finds a new book on the energy extraction industry. Our latest BookShelf reviews the volume from a seasoned business reporter, who questions conventional views about a renewed U.S. energy “dominance,” probes the financial instability of the industry’s boom and raises the politically destabilizing spectre of a future decline for the fossil fuel market.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Field Reporting Yields ‘Impact’ for Poaching Package

A freelancer’s coverage of the international wildlife trade won one of the Society of Environmental Journalists’ top journalism awards this year for its combination of “fearless reporting and graceful writing.” SEJournal Online talks with award-winner Rachel Nuwer about the series, the benefits of field reporting and the project’s challenges, such as securing funding, all in the latest Inside Story Q&A. And good news for Inside Story fans — the quarterly feature is now upping its frequency to bi-monthly!

SEJ Publication Types: 

Amid Pollution, Indifference, Nigerians Struggle to Catch Their Breath

"The fires burn constantly in and around Onitsha, a growing city nestled on the banks of the Niger River in southern Nigeria. Each fire is surrounded by its own hellscape of rotting food, mounded rubbish, castoff computers, and slaughterhouse scraps, and the blazes — often fueled with old tires sliced into ribbons — incinerate the city’s waste and send out noxious plumes of smoke laden with dangerously high levels of particulate pollution."

Source: Undark, 10/30/2018


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