
Local Food? Tasty And A Good Source Of Stories


Attendees at SEJ's 16th Annual Conference in Burlington, Vt., Oct. 25-29, will have a chance to witness a basic, but littleexplored issue for most environment writers: food.

A number of other issues will be explored, of course. But in Vermont, SEJ conference attendees will be able to grapple with the environmental issues of food.

SEJers will address "Eating as an Environmental Act" in a panel discussion Friday, Oct. 27 from 11:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

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The 'Unreadable' Thing: John McPhee On The Craft Of Writing


You might think writing comes easy to John McPhee.

He's been at it more than 40 years, after all, producing 27 books, writing for The New Yorker since 1964 and teaching writing at Princeton since 1975. And, oh yes, he has that Pulitzer Prize. All those years and words and accomplishments ought to add up to confidence – even hubris, perhaps – when turning a sea of complex detail, facts and characters into smoothly flowing narrative.

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Climate Change Moves To The Front Burner At Most News Outlets



Global warming or climate change has been a topic simmering on the environmental journalism burners for quite some time. As 2007 began, it boiled over, becoming front-page news across the nation.

There was a steady stream of stories written about an upcoming report by the United Nation's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, then stories about what the report really said followed up by stories about possible regional implications.

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