"U.S. Approves World's Biggest Solar Power Project"
"The U.S. Interior Department on Monday approved a permit for the world's biggest solar power project that will provide electricity to up to 750,000 homes."
"The U.S. Interior Department on Monday approved a permit for the world's biggest solar power project that will provide electricity to up to 750,000 homes."
"In the months after the BP oil spill, the company announced that its gaffe-prone CEO, Tony Hayward, would be replaced by Bob Dudley, an American who served as the point person in the US on the spill. Since taking over on October 1, Dudley has been too busy to talk to members of Congress about the disaster the company unleashed on the Gulf. But he wasn't too busy today to accuse the media and other oil companies of making too much of a big deal about that 4.9 million barrels of oil they dumped."
"Scientists searching the Amazon have discovered new species -- creatures such as a baldheaded parrot, a blue-fanged tarantula and a bright red catfish -- at the rate of about one every three days for the past 10 years, the World Wildlife Fund reported Monday."
"It took years for Illinois officials to discover that southwest suburban Crestwood was pumping contaminated water to its residents, in part because the state took village officials at their word that nothing was wrong. Such lax oversight is a problem in scores of communities throughout the nation, according to a new report from the U.S. Environmental Agency's inspector general that urged federal and state officials to conduct more rigorous inspections and adopt tighter reporting guidelines."
The majority of Republicans running for House and Senate seats disagree with proven scientific facts about global warming. That means that if Republicans take control of one or both chambers this November, there is little hope for legislation to address climate change.
The Bureau of Land Management is likely to re-open an ethics investigation involving Steve Henke, a former BLM district manager who recently took a job as head of an advocacy group for the oil and gas industry he used to regulate.
"Weak U.S. regulations on keeping captive tigers could be feeding the multimillion dollar international black market for tiger parts, according to a new analysis released by WWF and TRAFFIC, the world's largest wildlife trade monitoring network."
A study claiming that California's Proposition 23 would create jobs failed to disclose that it was funded by big out-of-state oil companies and the Koch brothers, who have been anonymously funding political causes that boost profits of their oil business. Proposition 23 would delay California's climate change law, which environmentalists say would create green jobs.
Kelly Gant told school board members that ever since gas drilling began near Argyle High School, her daughter has experienced asthma and headaches.
"A cholera epidemic in Haiti has killed more than 250 people, the government said on Sunday, but it added the outbreak which has sickened more than 3,000 may be stabilizing with fewer deaths and new cases reported over the last 24 hours."