"Toxic Coal-Tar Cleanup To Cost New York $3 Billion"
Toxic coal-tar liquids from ancient gas-manufacturing plants have been creeping through the soil of the mid-Hudson Valley for more than a century. Cleanup projects may cost some $3 billion.
Toxic coal-tar liquids from ancient gas-manufacturing plants have been creeping through the soil of the mid-Hudson Valley for more than a century. Cleanup projects may cost some $3 billion.
"When the computer-age took off in the 1990s, lots of people thought we'd use a lot less paper. But that hasn't happened."
"Blue whales are updating their playlist, according to new research on the huge mammals."
"The Obama administration is proposing a grant program that could start zoning marine areas for offshore projects."
"Faced with stiff resistance from ranchers and farmers, the Obama administration has decided to scrap a national program intended to help authorities quickly identify and track livestock in the event of an animal disease outbreak."
"In this special Grist series, we’ll be looking at where synthetic nitrogen comes from and what our reliance on it is doing to our health and to the health of our waterways and climate. We’ll also be looking at ways in which synthetic nitrogen can be used more wisely—and, as much as possible, phased out."
Greenhouse gases may not be the only cause of the observable thinning of Himalayan glacier; airborne black carbon particle, or soot, is also a major contributor.
"An orchestrated campaign is being waged against climate change science to undermine public acceptance of man-made global warming, environment experts claimed last night."
"Twenty-two electric utility facilities with coal ash impoundments have written action plans to make them safer. But on Thursday, as the U.S. EPA made these plans public, the agency also released engineering assessments of 40 more coal ash impoundments showing they have the 'high' or 'significant' potential to cause loss of human life, environmental damage, or damage to infrastructure."
Researchers are hoping to find new medicines underwater in corals and sponges.