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"Where They Grow Our Junk Food"

To get to the root of the obesity epidemic, one Canadian reporter went in search of a junk food farm. There were no fields of Dorito bags waving in the breeze. "What you do see are vast operations growing the raw materials for junk food: soybeans and corn."
Source: Toronto Star, 10/12/2009

"Pollution an Enduring Legacy at Old Missile Sites"

"As U.S. Air Force officials marked the 50th anniversary of the deployment of nuclear missiles to sites in the rural United States this past week, residents in some of these communities are still grappling with another legacy — groundwater pollution from chemicals used to clean and maintain the weapons."
Source: AP, 10/12/2009

Obama's Nobel Partly for Climate

"President Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize today in part for what the award's organizers said was a 'more constructive role in meeting the great climatic challenges the world is confronting.'"
Source: Greenwire, 10/12/2009

6th Annual Small Wind Conference

A look at growing prospects (and growing pains) for wind power.
