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"Biotech Crops Cause Big Jump in Pesticide Use -- Report"

"The rapid adoption by U.S. farmers of genetically engineered corn, soybeans and cotton has promoted increased use of pesticides, an epidemic of herbicide-resistant weeds and more chemical residues in foods, according to a report issued Tuesday by health and environmental protection groups."

Source: Reuters, 11/18/2009

EPA Proposes New Sulfur Dioxide Pollution Rules

"The Environmental Protection Agency on Tuesday proposed new air quality regulations for sulfur dioxide emissions, which come mostly from power plants and industrial facilities, expecially those that burn coal."

Source: Reuters, 11/18/2009

Growing the Bioeconomy: Solutions for Sustainability

The University of Minnesota's Extension and Initiative for Renewable Energy and the Environment are

hosting a 2-day event focusing on renewable energy opportunities.

"A Glut of Mercury Raises Fears"

As U.S. chlorine plants convert to cleaner technology, they are leaving behind large stocks of mercury. There is a danger that mercury will find its way to dangerous and polluting uses on the global market. Efforts to ban mercury export have not been effective.

Source: Wash Post, 11/17/2009

"Chevron's Lobbying Campaign Backfires"

"Facing the possibility of a $27 billion pollution judgment against it in an Ecuadorean court, Chevron launched an aggressive lobbying and public relations campaign to try to prevent the judgment as well as reverse a deeply damaging story line."

Source: Politico, 11/17/2009

"Mystery of Bangladesh's Mass Arsenic Poisoning Solved"

"Researchers have pinpointed the source of what is probably the worst mass poisoning in history, according to a study published Sunday. For nearly three decades scientists have struggled to figure out exactly how arsenic was getting into the drinking water of millions of people in rural Bangladesh."

Source: AFP, 11/17/2009

"No ‘Choice of Evils’ Defense in Oil Lease Case, Judge Rules"

"A college student who bid on and won more than $1.8 million in federal oil and gas leases last year without the intent or ability to pay will not be allowed to argue in court that he acted out of necessity to protect the environment, a federal judge ruled on Monday."
Source: NYTimes, 11/17/2009
