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"Oyster Creek Reactor to Close by 2019"

"The Oyster Creek nuclear reactor in New Jersey will be shut down by 2019, at least 10 years before its license expires, in a deal with state environmental regulators that will allow it to operate until then without building costly cooling towers, its owner said on Wednesday."

Source: NYTimes, 12/10/2010

"House Fails to Pass Mine-Safety Bill"

"The House on Wednesday failed to pass a bill to make it easier for federal regulators to shut down mines with a history of safety problems, dealing a blow to groups that had sought tougher regulation."

Source: Wall St. Journal, 12/10/2010

"To Help Sea Lions, NOAA Restricts Fishing"

"To protect the declining population of the western Steller sea lion, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration will restrict commercial fishing for Atka mackerel and Pacific cod, the animal’s main source of food, off parts of the Alaska’s western Aleutian Islands."

Source: Green (NYT), 12/10/2010

High Seas Marine Protected Areas: Safeguarding Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction

Co-sponsored by the Environmental Law Institute and the District of Columbia Bar, this event is free and open to the public. You may also join the session via webinar or teleconference. RSVP required.

"U.N. Climate Talks Seek To Avert Damaging Failure"

"The world's governments struggled on Wednesday to break a deadlock between rich and poor nations on steps to fight global warming and avert a new, damaging setback after they failed to agree a U.N. treaty last year in Copenhagen."

Source: Reuters, 12/09/2010

"U.S. Ethanol Subsidy Part Of Tax Deal: Trade Group"

"An extension of the major U.S. ethanol subsidy 'is part of the deal at the moment' in negotiations for an omnibus tax bill, but the size and lifespan of the subsidy are not set yet, a trade group said on Wednesday."

Source: Reuters, 12/09/2010
