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Court OKs USDA Secrecy on Wolf Killings of Livestock

The environmental groups' request for GPS information about where the introduced, protected Mexican grays had killed livestock was denied on grounds that data collected by Wildlife Service personnel visiting private ranch property is exempt from FOIA requests.

Earmark Database Now Covers Fiscal 2011

The downloadable, Zipped Excel spreadsheet, produced by Taxpayers for Common Sense,, and Taxpayers Against Earmarks, contains 39,294 requested earmarks, worth $130 billion.

"Oil Sands Report Criticizes All Stakeholders"

"Cutting through rhetoric that so often dominates debate over Canada's oil sands, a new report by a prominent academic group is a comprehensive snapshot of the failings and successes of all the industry's stakeholders and raises hope for a new era of oversight."

Source: Toronto Globe & Mail, 12/15/2010

U.S. Expected To Join Gulf Spill Lawsuits

"The Justice Department on Wednesday is expected to seek to join civil lawsuits stemming from the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, the first major federal legal action in the disaster, according to people familiar with the matter."

Source: Wall St. Journal, 12/15/2010

"Permit Hearing Puts Focus on EPA Mining Crackdown"

"Environmentalists and state regulators faced off Tuesday in the start of a major permit appeal hearing that puts the spotlight squarely on West Virginia's opposition to a federal crackdown aimed at reducing strip-mine pollution across the Appalachian coalfields."

Source: Charleston Gazette, 12/15/2010

"Livestock in U.S. Gobble up the Antibiotics"

"The U.S.-raised animals we eat consumed about 29 million pounds of antibiotics in the last year alone, according to a first-ever Food and Drug Administration accounting of antimicrobial drug use by the American livestock industry."

Source: LA Times, 12/15/2010

"Musk Oxen Live to Tell a Survivors’ Tale"

The musk ox, an Arctic species that is a holdover from the Pleistocene, survived terrible climate changes when mastodons and sabertooths went extinct. That may be as much a result of its social structure as its shaggy coat.

Source: NYTimes, 12/15/2010
