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"New Climate Battle Looms In South Africa In 2011"

"The world's governments face a new battle in South Africa in 2011 between rich and poor about slowing climate change, buoyed by some progress in Mexico but with faded hopes for a new treaty in coming years."

Source: Reuters, 12/14/2010

"New York Governor Vetoes Fracking Bill"

"Gov. David A. Paterson of New York on Saturday vetoed legislation intended to curtail natural gas development using the technique called hydraulic fracturing until a closer review of its effects can be undertaken."

Source: Green (NYT), 12/14/2010

"Permit Process for Coal-Fired Plant in Kansas Draws Criticism"

"For several weeks, nine Kansas state employees have been voluntarily working weekends and late into the night to finish a review of a permit for a power plant. ... And that worries the coal plant’s opponents, who said the extra hours were a clear signal that the state was pushing the permit process too fast."

Source: Kansas City Star, 12/14/2010
