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"Mayan Village in Mexico Impacted by Climate Change"

"TABI, Mexico -- The first time Araceli Bastida Be heard the phrase 'climate change' was on TV two years ago. Then she began to understand why strange things had been happening in her village."

Source: AP, 12/07/2010

Green California Schools Summit & Expo

There is a green revolution happening at America’s schools as they prepare the next generation of environmentally aware problem solvers, and California schools are leading the way. They are saving millions through energy efficiency and keeping students and teachers healthy and productive. 


Do you write about zoonotic and emerging diseases? The International Society for Infectious Diseases' free Program for Monitoring Emerging Diseases listserv (and accompanying website) is a great source of moderator-reviewed reports, summaries, and more.

DEADLINE: IIASA Young Scientists Summer Program 2011

The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis in Austria invites applications by Jan. 17, 2011 from graduate students around the world for its June 1-Sep 1, 2011 YSSP. Students will work closely with an IIASA senior scientist mentor on a project proposed by the student. Fellows selected will receive funding to cover travel to IIASA and a modest living allowance.

"A Low Bar in Cancún? Not for U.S., Envoy Declares"

"Todd Stern, the chief American climate change negotiator, ... made clear at an afternoon press briefing that the United States was seeking an agreement that addresses all the major issues that make up the current climate change agenda. He said quite emphatically that he was not interested in some sort of face-saving partial deal that makes progress on some questions but kicks the more difficult problems down the road."

Source: Green (NYT), 12/06/2010

"Climate Change Fans Deep-Burning Fires In Alaska"

"Climate change is fanning longer- and deeper-burning fires in interior Alaska, changing the area from a carbon sink -- where planet-warming gases are stored naturally in the soil -- to a carbon emitter, scientists reported on Sunday."

Source: Reuters, 12/06/2010

"Climate Groups Retool Argument For Global Warming"

"The number of Americans who believe that global warming is a scientific fact has been dropping, and environmental groups and climate scientists who say the evidence for warming is clear are scratching their heads over this reversal and scrambling to find a new strategy."

Source: NPR, 12/06/2010
