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The Congressional Research Service produces many explainers useful to environmental journalists. Congress does not release these reports to the taxpayers who funded them. Fortunately, the Federation of American Scientists' Government Secrecy Project publishes leaked copies. Here are some.
- "American Agriculture and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement," Congressional Research Service (R44337), January 8, 2016, by Mark A. McMinimy.
- "The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP): In Brief," Congressional Research Service (R44278), February 9, 2016, by Ian F. Fergusson, Mark A. McMinimy, Brock R. Williams.
- "EPA’s Clean Power Plan for Existing Power Plants: Frequently Asked Questions," Congressional Research Service (R44341), January 13, 2016, by James E. McCarthy, Jonathan L. Ramseur, Jane A. Leggett, Alexandra M. Wyatt, and Alissa M. Dolan.
- "EPA and the Army Corps' 'Waters of the United States' Rule: Congressional Response and Options," Congressional Research Service (R43943), January 20, 2016, by Claudia Copeland.
- "Ozone Air Quality Standards: EPA’s 2015 Revision," Congressional Research Service (R43092), January 25, 2016, by James E. McCarthy and Richard K. Lattanzio.
- "Dietary Guidelines for Americans: Frequently Asked Questions," Congressional Research Service (R44360), February 2, 2016, by Agata Dabrowska.
- "Oil Sands and the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund: The Definition of 'Oil' and Related Issues for Congress," Congressional Research Service (R43128), February 3, 2016, by Jonathan L. Ramseur.
- "The Trans-Pacific Partnership: Strategic Implications," Congressional Research Service (R44361), February 3, 2016, by Brock R. Williams, Ben Dolven, Ian F. Fergusson, Mark E. Manyin, Michael F. Martin, and Wayne M. Morrison.
- "Allocation of Wastewater Treatment Assistance: Formula and Other Changes," Congressional Research Service (RL31073), February 5, 2016, by Claudia Copeland.
- "Ocean Energy Agency Appropriations, FY2016," Congressional Research Service (R44312), February 5, 2016, by Laura B. Comay and Marc Humphries.
- "Local Food Systems: Selected Farm Bill and Other Federal Programs," Congressional Research Service (R43950), February 5, 2016, by Renée Johnson and Tadlock Cowan.
- Legal Sidebar: "TransCanada to Seek $15 Billion in NAFTA Lawsuit over Denial of Keystone XL Permit Request," Congressional Research Service, January 19, 2016.
- "Is Biopower Carbon Neutral?" Congressional Research Service (R41603), February 4, 2016, by Kelsi Bracmort.
- "EPA Regulations: Too Much, Too Little, or On Track?" Congressional Research Service (R41561), February 9, 2016, by James E. McCarthy and Claudia Copeland.
- "DOE’s Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability (OE): A Primer, with Appropriations for FY2016," Congressional Research Service (R44357), February 9, 2016, by Fred Sissine.
- "Water Infrastructure Financing: The Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) Program," Congressional Research Service (R43315), February 9, 2016, by Claudia Copeland.
- "The Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS): Waiver Authority and Modification of Volumes," Congressional Research Service (R44045), February 10, 2016, by Kelsi Bracmort.