
"How Whale Songs Can Help Us Explore the Ocean"

"Some whale songs can give scientists valuable information about the ocean’s geography, according to a study published Thursday in the journal Science. What’s more, their songs can be used as a form of seismic testing, which uses blasts of sound to map out the ocean floor. Forms of this technology can be harmful to whales and other marine life."

Source: Earther, 02/15/2021

"Judge: Trump’s Lifting Of Mining Ban In US West Was Wrong"

"A federal judge on Thursday overturned a Trump administration action that allowed mining and other development on 10 million acres (4 million hectares) in parts of six western states that are considered important for the survival of a struggling bird species."

Source: AP, 02/12/2021

Sea Lions Are Dying From Mysterious Cancer. The Culprits? Herpes and DDT

"On a former Cold War missile base perched high above the Golden Gate Bridge, in what is now the largest marine mammal hospital in the world, Frances Gulland still remembers the shock she felt when she first started working here as a veterinarian 26 years ago."

Source: LA Times, 02/01/2021


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